Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Are Distance/Online MBAs Any Good?
Lots of educators have asked—and answered—this same question. The answer: YES. Online University education has been scientifically shown to be as effective—if not more so—than the old-time classroom lecture.
Research has consistently found that regionally-accredited distance MBAs are as good—if not better—than their campus counterparts. Two studies in particular have examined regionally-accredited distance MBAs in comparison to residential programs.

Colorado State University - Distance MBA Study

Colorado State University (CSU) began offering a distance learning format for its residential MBA in 1975. In 2001, researchers at this business school (accredited by the Association for the Advancement of Collegiate Schools of Business, or AACSB) orchestrated a three-way comparison.

The association compared CS University's distance MBA students to the school's on-campus MBA students and its executive MBA students. The comparison occurred along 12 academic skill sets.

Since all three groups took virtually the same curriculum, with the same instructors and the same AACSB-accredited MBA degree being awarded, researchers sought to determine if delivery method alone made any significant difference.

All students were being awarded the same MBA degree, but were they all really receiving the same university education?

At degree conclusion, all three groups reported higher scores on 7 of 12 competencies. Distance university students, however, self-reported higher scores than the campus group on three measures: technology, quantitative skills and theory skills.

Mark Kretovics and Jim McCambridge, the university study’s authors, concluded: “…the results not only support the notion that distance learning is effective, but they also challenge the ‘no significant difference’ research findings by indicating that distance students may, in fact, learn more than the traditional classroom based students.”

The Athabasca University Distance MBA Study

In 2001, Canada’s largest, government-approved distance university, Athabasca University, released the results of a study that compared the University's non-residential MBA students to campus learners at the highly-regarded University of Western Ontario’s Richard Ivey School of Business.

The Ivey School offered only a residential degree, while Athabasca University’s Centre for Innovative Management (CIM) offered only a distance degree. The CIM University MBA degree was converted to interactive Internet delivery mode in 1994.

The study assessed several levels of learning: social, procedural, explanatory and cognitive.

The results: online learning allows for greater explanatory and cognitive learning, whereas residential study accentuates and improves social and procedural learning.

Athabasca operates Canada’s largest and fastest growing executive MBA program. The university served more than 1,100 MBA students in 2001, all at a distance.

Online MBA – Quality Not an Issue

Obviously, not all online MBA programs are equal, just as not all campus programs are of identical quality.

But the research shows without a doubt that residential colleges that have developed online versions of their MBA programs are offering top-quality alternatives for students.

You shouldn’t hesitate to enroll in any MBA program just because it’s offered online. If you continue to have concerns, stick with online degree programs that are taught by traditional residential colleges.

More than 30 percent of all “traditional” colleges in the U.S. now offer at least one of their degree programs completely online. Colorado State University is only one of many distance
business degree programs that exists in both residential and online formats.

Are Distance MBAs Any Good?
Lots of educators have asked—and answered—this same question. The answer: YES. Online education has been scientifically shown to be as effective—if not more so—than the old-time classroom lecture.
Research has consistently found that regionally-accredited distance MBAs are as good—if not better—than their campus counterparts. Two studies in particular have examined regionally-accredited distance MBAs in comparison to residential programs.

Colorado State University - Distance MBA Study

Colorado State University (CSU) began offering a distance learning format for its residential MBA in 1975. In 2001, researchers at this business school (accredited by the Association for the Advancement of Collegiate Schools of Business, or AACSB) orchestrated a three-way comparison.

The association compared CSU's distance MBA students to the school's on-campus MBA students and its executive MBA students. The comparison occurred along 12 academic skill sets.

Since all three groups took virtually the same curriculum, with the same instructors and the same AACSB-accredited MBA degree being awarded, researchers sought to determine if delivery method alone made any significant difference.

All students were being awarded the same degree, but were they all really receiving the same education?

At degree conclusion, all three groups reported higher scores on 7 of 12 competencies. Distance students, however, self-reported higher scores than the campus group on three measures: technology, quantitative skills and theory skills.

Mark Kretovics and Jim McCambridge, the study’s authors, concluded: “…the results not only support the notion that distance learning is effective, but they also challenge the ‘no significant difference’ research findings by indicating that distance students may, in fact, learn more than the traditional classroom based students.”

The Athabasca University Distance MBA Study

In 2001, Canada’s largest, government-approved distance university, Athabasca University, released the results of a study that compared the school's non-residential MBA students to campus learners at the highly-regarded University of Western Ontario’s Richard Ivey School of Business.

The Ivey School offered only a residential degree, while Athabasca University’s Centre for Innovative Management (CIM) offered only a distance degree. The CIM MBA degree was converted to interactive Internet delivery mode in 1994.

The study assessed several levels of learning: social, procedural, explanatory and cognitive.

The results: online learning allows for greater explanatory and cognitive learning, whereas residential study accentuates and improves social and procedural learning.

Athabasca operates Canada’s largest and fastest growing executive MBA program. The university served more than 1,100 MBA students in 2001, all at a distance.

Online MBA – Quality Not an Issue

Obviously, not all online MBA programs are equal, just as not all campus programs are of identical quality.

But the research shows without a doubt that residential colleges that have developed online versions of their MBA programs are offering top-quality alternatives for students.

You shouldn’t hesitate to enroll in any MBA program just because it’s offered online. If you continue to have concerns, stick with online degree programs that are taught by traditional residential colleges.

More than 30 percent of all “traditional” colleges in the U.S. now offer at least one of their degree programs completely online. Colorado State University is only one of many distance
business degree programs that exists in both residential and online formats.


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