Saturday, March 12, 2011

The Benefit of Study Groups

Study groups are a college student's best friend for a number of reasons. Not only does the student benefit from the solidarity and friendships gained from interacting with other students, but students also tend to retain material more effectively when surrounded with others who are dedicated to succeeding in a class.

One of the benefits of study groups, according to the College Board, is that students get to share and compare notes. In other words, if you didn't catch all of what your professor said in a class lecture, it is likely that someone else in your study group was able to jot down the information and can help you fill in the gaps. Also, the fun and socialization involved in study groups helps motivate students to want to study in the first place, the College Board notes.

Lehigh University acknowledges that one of the benefits of study groups is that students actually have an opportunity to teach other students, rather than just receiving information from a professor's lecture. In other words, you will gain a better grasp of the material when you start explaining or teaching it to another student in your group. Another benefit is that students can learn from other students' study habits, Lehigh University notes. Many times in a study group, you will notice a student using a particular study habit—such as writing on index cards, typing out handwritten notes, or coming up with clever or catchy ways to memorize information—and begin incorporating the good habit into your own study routine.

Study groups enrich your educational experience because they are opportunities for you to discuss and even debate the topics you are learning in class, helping you to grow and learn outside the classroom. California State University—Fullerton says that while individual study is often better for helping you memorize facts, group study gives you an advantage in understanding complex ideas because of the back-and-forth exchanges that take place in a group setting. Finally, study groups often encourage early and consistent study, both of which are essential to doing well in any class.

Textbook Companion Sites Can Be a Good Study Resource

Next time you're looking for a way to study for that psychology exam, try visiting your textbook's online companion Web site. These sites are interactive and provide learning resources that help you get the most you can from a course. They can contain valuable study tools that help you to expand on and test your knowledge. Don't know how to find it? Often the Web address is printed somewhere within the first few pages of the book or on the publisher's Web site. Just make sure you find it, bookmark it, and then visit it before your next exam because textbook companion sites can help you study the chapter's vocabulary, concepts, and questions.

These sites can contain glossary and flashcard sections to help you learn the most important words in the chapter. A glossary page typically lists all of the words that appeared in bold in your textbook along with their definitions in alphabetical order. Usually there is also a flashcard section. Everyone knows that making flashcards are a great way to study, but long gone are the days of making your own by spending hours writing down definitions. These interactive flashcards can be a useful way to memorize and then test your knowledge on the words that matter most.

Companion sites also contain chapter summaries and learning objective sections that help you grasp the most important concepts in the chapter. The summary provides an overview on what the chapter was about and covers the main points in it. The learning objectives section provides a list of the primary concepts, ideas, and theories, you should be familiar with after reading the chapter. This helps give you an idea on what you are expected to learn from the chapter as well as how you should be able to reiterate that information.

Perhaps one of the most valuable resources you can access on a companion Web site is the interactive quizzes and exams. One of the best ways to study for an exam is by applying your knowledge to a question and answer form. Often some of the questions come directly from the book's test bank. If you have a professor who isn't crazy about coming up with 50 original multiple choice questions, then one of these questions might just come up on that pop quiz or midterm exam.

Tips for Acing Your Next College Exam

Exams are a stressful time for any college student. A lot is riding on each exam you take, and it's a moment of truth when you find out whether you've actually learned from your class or not. It's easy to get a little freaked out before exams, but by getting prepared and putting the work in, you should be able to do well on any exam you face.

Do the prep work. Go to class, missing meeting times only infrequently and when it's necessary. Listen to your professor, participate, and take notes. Doing all of these things will help you learn and retain information along the way.

Study. It's the hard, simple truth: if you want to do well on exams, you've got to put in the work. Make flashcards, go through your notes, and read over reviews to get ready for your exam. There's no substitute for hard work and knowing the material when it comes to exam time.

Get help from family and friends. Let people know that you'll need time to study, and that you shouldn't be bothered at certain points. Then, enlist their help. Ask them to quiz you, use flashcards, and to play interference against distractions that might keep you from your studies.

Work with your classmates. Start a study group and discuss what you know together. Refresh your memory and enrich your understanding of the material by teaching the information to others.

Review the material. The night before you're tested, take a bit of time to look over your notes and important highlights to make sure that you're still familiar with what you'll be tested on and that it's fresh on your brain for the next day.

Get a good night's sleep. Although you may be tempted to stay up all night cramming information into your brain, you will be better served to get studying done earlier and spend your night before the test sleeping soundly. You can better process information with a full night's sleep, and you'll be fresh and alert the next morning come test time.

Following these tips can help you ensure that you'll be well prepared to do well on your next college exam. Be sure to put in the effort and time that's required to really learn the material that's presented to you.

Great Ways to Relieve School Stress

Everyone knows that along with college comes stress. For many students, it's simply unavoidable, and at some point in your college career, you'll have to figure out how to deal with it. Read on, and we'll share some of the ways you can reduce, eliminate, and relieve school-related stress.

Be prepared. When exam time comes around, you will be nervous enough. Do yourself a favor and nip stress in the bud by taking care of what you need to throughout the semester. That means going to class, taking notes, and reading all assignments. You should also stay on top of study guides as you progress through the semester. By taking care of business all semester, you will spare yourself the trouble of having to cram and panic when it's time to take midterms and finals.

Stay organized. Get an organizer, calendar, and task program, and then actually use them. With the right organization, you can stay on top of your assignments, essays, readings, and (yipee!) cancelled class dates. You'll be able to know at a glance what you need to do and where you need to be. Having this information will go a long way to avoiding panic and anxiety about what you've got to get done. Additionally, it will help you avoid stressful situations where you have to take care of assignments or meetings at the last minute because you've forgotten about them.

Take a break. As a student, your sleeping schedule probably isn't ideal and you may find yourself walking around like a zombie on campus some days. If you end up going to bed late and waking up a bit earlier than you'd like to, take advantage of power napping opportunities. Give yourself a regular dorm siesta, catch a few minutes of shuteye in the library, or just lay down and relax for a bit as you're reading textbooks outside.

Blow off some steam. No matter what you do, stress happens, and you have to confront it at some point in order to save your health and sanity. Find an outlet that helps you relieve stress. Popular stress relievers are exercise, deep breathing, visualization, and yoga. You can also get help from friends and loved ones-go out for the night, talk about your troubles, and have fun to make the stress of the week behind you melt away.

Being a college student doesn't have to mean being stressed. If you carefully plan, take care of assignments, and take care of yourself, you can beat stress and keep it from taking over your college life.

Staying Organized Throughout the Semester

Most semesters start out relaxed, but before you know it, you might find yourself behind on reading assignments and facing the first round of exams. The best way to avoid this? Staying organized from the beginning so that you know exactly what is expected of you and when. Here are some things that you can do the first week of class to ensure that you stay organized all semester.

First, organize your schoolwork. Buy a three-ring binder, page protectors, notebook paper, page dividers – the ones with a pockets work the best. Use the page dividers to make sections for all of your courses and then add a few page protectors and paper. Usually the first day of class is spent going over the course syllabus, which is important because it contains information about course requirements, attendance policies, and the exam and reading schedule. Throughout the semester, you will probably find yourself referencing it more times than you can count. Therefore, it is important to be able to quickly access it and keep it in good condition. To do this, place it in page protectors in the section you have designated for the course. The rest of the section can be used to keep lecture notes or the pockets in the page divider can be used to store any handouts or graded homework assignments that you don't want to lose.

Second, organize your schedule. After getting home from that first day of class, you might find yourself already overwhelmed with your course load. Yet, it is important to remember that assignments are spread out and you have plenty of time to complete them. That is, if you are able to plan ahead of time. It is important to make a calendar at the very beginning of the semester. There are several ways you can keep a calendar. If you are someone who prefers physically writing down your schedule on paper, you can purchase a planner or wall calendar. If you are more of a technological person, you can use Internet applications like Google Calendar and Yahoo Calendar to access your schedule on a computer. Begin by writing down all of the exams and quiz dates, due dates for projects and papers, and reading assignments for each class day. When you are done you will have a good visual picture of what your semester will look like, such as when you should be doing something school-related, and when you might have some free time.

The Course Syllabus: Your Best Friend

If you were fortunate to have a forward thinking high school teacher, you may have already been introduced to a course syllabus. Once you reach college, the syllabus is fairly universal. It is carefully constructed by the professor to include all pertinent information about his or her course for the whole semester. For larger classes, it is a way to cut down on answering repetitive questions. It includes a schedule for the semester of assignments, readings, tests, etc. It should list the required and recommended texts for the class. It will give an overview of the material to be covered over the semester. It will also include "housekeeping" information, such as attendance policies, grading procedures, and classroom expectations. Ultimately, the syllabus serves as the student's guide to the semester.

Once you have gathered all your courses' syllabi, you can start to map out your semester. Mark your personal calendar with all the important due dates from all of your courses. This will help you stay organized as you get deeper into each course. You can formulate a plan of attack in terms of the necessary time needed for major assignments. If you have a strong understanding of the schedules delineated in your syllabi, you can avoid being bogged down by the reading assignments as you can spread them out. Any time your professor announces a change to the syllabus, carefully mark down the adjustments on the syllabus itself and your calendar.

The "housekeeping" items in the syllabus give you a better understanding of the professor's expectations for the semester. You want to be aware of the attendance policy. As much as you may wish to never miss a class, unforeseen events always pop up over a semester. It could be an illness that keeps you out of class for a period of time or it could just be a day that you snooze through your alarm; regardless, you want to know what will happen if you miss a class. The attendance policy should always be listed and it eliminates the need to ask the embarrassing question about what happens if you miss a class. The professor will probably envision you as someone more concerned with partying than with studying.

Another important aspect of the syllabus is the breakdown of grades. You are no longer in high school where your teacher will send home a progress report to alert you and your parents if you are struggling. In college, you are expected to be more independent. Part of this lies in your taking ownership of your own progress. The syllabus should outline how much tests, quizzes, papers, and class participation count in your final grade. This will allow you to track where your grade is over the semester.

Your professor will probably go over the syllabus on the first day of class. Follow along and jot down any important notes that pop in your mind at this time. When you go home after class, read through it again so you can clear up any questions before the class really gets into motion.

Friday, March 04, 2011

Accreditation For Your Online Degree

To make an online program more attractive to students and their employers, many colleges and universities take accreditation to the next step by achieving accreditation for a specific discipline like business. The accreditation process for a specific discipline often looks at the qualifications for the faculty, coursework, and the success rate of students. This provides another level of credibility for the online university that many employers like to see since it tells them that you are learning the skills and theoretical knowledge needed to be successful in the field. You can typically find out if a program has completed a discipline specific accreditation by looking at their website.

Accreditation Requirements For Healthcare Programs

Programs in healthcare, like R.N. programs or radiography, often require you to be certified or licensed in your state before you can seek employment. An additional requirement may be that you complete your education requirements at a school that has met certain requirements to operate in your state. This may include a requirement that the school be accredited by certain accrediting agencies. Learn about the rules for licensing or certification in your state for your field of interest before you pursue an online healthcare degree. If the school is out-of-state, it is very important that you make sure their online healthcare degree program meets the requirements in your state.

State Requirements For Business School Accreditation

To ensure that all degree programs including online programs are meeting a certain level of standards, some states require that colleges and universities seek individual accreditation for business programs. This provides accountability for these programs ensuring that that state funds are well spent on quality programs. For the student this means that the program graduates meet a minimum level of skill to help them be successful in the workforce. The rules and regulations regarding business accreditation will vary by state, but you can check with your school to find out more information.

The Importance Of Accreditation For Online Schools

Deciding to become a student in a virtual online program is an important step for your future. Just as important as choosing a degree to pursue is investigating the accreditation status of the school you decide to attend. Accreditation through a regional or national accrediting organization that is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education is a rigorous process that helps students ensure the quality of their program. It also may be necessary to authenticate the quality of the degree program for your employer. Many employers will not accept a degree or coursework as valid unless it is obtained through one of many accredited colleges. You can check to see if your school is accredited by looking it up at the website for the Council for Higher Education Accreditation.

What Accreditation Means To Your Resume

Completing a degree at a university online can make your life easier since you don't have to attend classes on a college campus. At the same time, when you complete a distance learning degree that is accredited, it can help you feel that you are getting the best education. Accreditation is not available for every discipline or degree you may want to pursue, but when it is available and your school has completed that rigorous process to achieve it, you can feel confident that your program will benefit your future success.

Discover Your Vocation

Maybe your indecisiveness to choose a major kept you from completing your college degree. If this sounds like you, explore the options available through the numerous vocational schools in operation. These schools provide two-year and four-year degrees that can lead directly to employment in the field. In many cases, you can find the online degree that interests you in fields like computers, business or health careers. You even discover that a hotel management degree is the right decision for you. Visit an online degree information site to find an online school with the vocational degree for you.

Food Service Management Online Degree

Online programs are not just found in traditional colleges and universities. In fact, there are trade and vocational schools that have gotten into the act as well. One example of this is an online food service management bachelor degree. Typically, there is an expectation that you already have an associate degree in the field so you can complete the remaining courses for your degree primarily online. A sampling of some of the courses you may take to complete an online food service management bachelor degree includes nutrition, sanitation, and cooking theory. There may be an expectation to participate in a residency on the college campus during some of the classes, so check with school for an understanding of all requirements.

Prepare For A Business Vocation

There are a number of opportunities for graduates with a degree in business. Students can study finance, marketing, and management topics, which can open up many career possibilities in industries like banking, insurance, manufacturing or government. You can get a jump start on your business career by completing an online business degree through a vocational school. These programs are similar to many found at traditional schools but may focus only on a few selected vocations to provide more expertise and experience directly in the field.

Pursue A Vocation In Art

An online degree in art from a trade school can lead to a career in a number of fields including advertising, fashion merchandising, graphic arts or interior design. If you have confidence in both your creative and technical abilities than studying art online may be right for you. Depending on your chosen art specialty, you can take courses on fashion, web design, and drawing along with a variety of other topics to complete your career training.

The Online Trade School Degree

Looking for a degree that will lead directly to a good paying career? You may want to explore the degree options through a trade or vocational school where you learn skills and gain practical experience in your field. These programs often include field experiences like internships to make sure program graduates are well versed in their chosen vocation before seeking the first paid job. You can gain your vocational training online through a trade or vocational school. Expect your online degree program to cover the same material included in an on-campus program. The online delivery just provides you with an added benefit of allowing you to complete the program at a location that is convenient for you. Keep in mind, however, that there may be a requirement for you to participate in some type of internship experience prior to graduating with your online trade school degree.

Earning An Online Legal Degree

Earning the juris doctorate is within your reach thanks to online learning. When you earn a law degree online, there are really two career options. The typical path is to take the bar exam after graduation to become a practicing attorney. The other option is to use your law degree to support another career. It could be that you use the knowledge to become a paralegal but it could also support any business degree or a number of other career choices. If your goal is to become a practicing attorney, find out before you apply to a law school online if the skills and knowledge you acquire meet the requirements in your state to allow you to sit for the bar exam.

How You Can Benefit From An Online Law Degree?

A major benefit from any online degree program is that you don't have to actually attend classes, but instead you can participate in your classes anywhere or anytime it is convenient for you. The same is true from an online legal degree. If you are already employed, you don't have to quit your current job to get this degree. This is especially beneficial to those people who travel a lot for their jobs. In addition to this, online degrees are often available to students globally. This means that not only will you be learning with students in your area, but you may also find that there are people enrolled in your distance learning law school who could live anywhere in the world. This can add to your perspective since other students will bring different viewpoints depending on the law in the state or country.

Learn More About Politics Through An Online Degree

During every presidential election, thousands of people in the United States become experts in politics. If your interest is in this area, you can improve your knowledge by completing an online degree in political science. A degree in politics can be in a variety of concentrations including: American politics, comparative politics, international politics, national security, or a number of other possible specialties. With this degree, you may be able to find a job as a teacher at a college or find a position with a governmental agency.

The Online Associate's Degree In Paralegal Studies

A paralegal studies degree can be completed at many community colleges. Some of the paralegal schools may provide the learning experience online to be more convenient for a larger group of students. In a program like this, you can expect to study different facets of the law including ethics, legal research, family law, property law, litigation, and a number of other legal subjects. When looking into an online paralegal studies program, find out if it is accredited through the American Bar Association. While this is not a requirement to find employment as a paralegal, it doesn't hurt either.

The Paralegal Online Studies Program

If you like the law but don't want to become a lawyer, you can support lawyers and the legal system as a paralegal by completing your required coursework online. Much of the legwork and preparation for legal cases is completed by paralegals working for attorneys. An online paralegal program helps you when you don't have time to attend classes on a regular basis but can still complete the homework at your convenience. However, you should find out in advance if your paralegal program supplements the online experience by having students attend actual court cases or participate in required field experiences. Knowing in advance the expectations of the program can help you avoid conflicts later.

Earn An Advanced Degree In Music Online

If you already have a degree in music, you can take additional online courses leading to a master's degree in the field. These classes will primarily focus on the history, theory or appreciation of music rather than actually learning a musical instrument. This online degree can provide you with a broader understanding of the music found in different cultures. When you pursue an online music degree you may find that the institution you attend offers the courses through an online course management system where the class materials may be provided via streaming video or audio. There is also a possibility that the program you attend offers you the opportunity to complete the program at your own pace.

Earn An Online Art Degree

There are a number of degrees that you can earn online, including art degrees. Some schools offer the Associate of Arts, Bachelor of Arts, or a Master of Fine Arts in an online format for different art specialties including graphic arts. By reviewing the website of the school you want to attend, you can explore the different online art degree options to find the one that best suits your needs. However, it is important to keep in mind that an online degree does not give you the benefit of having a teacher nearby when you have questions, so be sure you will be comfortable earning a degree in this format.

Study English Online

Even the next great American authors can benefit from first earning their english degrees online. Studying the great authors of the past and present help many writers understand the process to become an author. There are a number of schools that offer English degrees online in areas of specialization like American literature, English Literature, Creative Writing, Technical Writing, and Journalism. English majors can expect to write a lot of papers before graduation, so make sure this is something you enjoy before you start this degree.

The History Online Major

Do you enjoy studying military history or the history of different cultures? While many people consider history to be a hobby, you can earn a history degree online. There are a number of history concentrations that you can pursue including American History, European History, Military History, and many others depending on the college you attend. In addition, by taking additional set courses in education, you may be able to complement your online history degree with a degree in secondary education. This will allow you to find a teaching degree in history following graduation.

The Theory And History Of Religion In An Online Degree

The study of religion is fascinating to many people who want to learn more about their own faith or those faiths practiced by many other cultures of the world. The online degree in theology could lead to work in a specific ministry, rabbinical studies, or numerous other possibilities depending on your interests. You may find discipline concentrations in history, ethics, the Bible, world faiths, and theology. Many people find that taking online courses towards a degree in religion in can lead to a very rewarding career in the field.

An Online Completion Program For The RN To BSN

Not every course for nursing degrees can be taken online. In fact, very few patients would probably be comfortable being cared for by a nurse who received a completely virtual educational experience. Therefore, students can complete the RN degree by attending a college campus and fulfilling face-to-face requirements like clinicals and other demonstrations. After receiving the RN degree, the BSN, which focuses on more theoretical aspects and does not typically require the face-to-face contact, can be completed online. There are a number of online BSN completer programs available and require the student to have already completed a number of requirements in their associate degree program as well as be certified as a registered nurse.

Be Successful In Pharmacy With An Online Degree

The pharmaceutical industry continues to employ a large number of pharmacy school graduates offering a high earning potential beginning at the entry level. You can earn this degree by completing a number of the required courses in an online format. However, mandatory labs and clinicals will require an on-campus presence to ensure your competence in front of an instructor. A degree is required for employment in this field and student can expect to find employment with hospitals or retail drug stores.

Complete Your CPR Training Online

In the healthcare field, knowing how to save lives is critical to the position so many times CPR certification is a requirement to progress your healthcare training. If you have already completed some of the training for the Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation test, you may be able to complete the few remaining components through online training. This is also true if you are only looking for a refresher course. Before signing up to take any CPR training online ask if it will meet the guidelines established by the American Red Cross. Your employer may have certain requirements as well, so always be sure the online CPR training will acceptable. Through online CPR training you may learn things like: rescue breathing, choking, and AED (automated external defibrillator) use.

Nutrition For Online Students

You may be able to complete an online degree in nutrition to further your healthcare career. While some states regulate this profession requiring practitioners to be licensed or certified, there may be programs that meet your needs. With an advanced online nutrition degree, you could take courses in sports nutrition, dietary management or dietetics. Before you enroll in a program make sure you know the requirements to qualify you to work in your state. Should you decide to pursue a online master's degree in nutrition there are additional advantages in that you may be able to start working in the field by establishing fitness and nutrition routines as well as do some consulting.

Update And Enhance Your Pharmacy Skills Through Online Learning

Already employed as a pharmacist? Need to update or enhance your skills for professional development? An advanced pharmaceutical degree can now be earned online. This online program can be found at accredited universities with the same outcomes and expectations as courses taught for traditional on-campus students. Your online program may include coursework such as pharmacy foundations, care for patients with specific ailments, or other related pharmaceutical issues. The online pharmacy degree will take some time to complete, so be prepared for your online pharmacy degree to be a three or four year program.

Build On Your Knowledge With An Online Math Degree

An undergraduate degree in science or engineering can be further enhanced with an online master's degree in mathematics. In fact, math skills are critical for anyone interested in pursuing a career as a scientist or engineer. Taking additional graduate level math courses like abstract algebra and advanced statistical theory will only help you as you move into positions that require advanced abilities to compute complex equations.

Fit An Engineering Degree Into Your Busy Life

For those busy professionals who already hold a bachelor's degree in engineering but want to further their education, the online master's degree is an ideal option. There are a number of top universities that offer the online engineering graduate degree to make higher education in the field attainable for more students. After you identify the program you want to pursue, contact the school to find out the technical requirements for their online engineering courses. Typically, you can expect a high speed Internet connection, audio/sound cards, graphics capability, and possibly certain software installed on your computer.

Online Engineering Graduate Degree

Earning a graduate degree to complement your bachelor's degree in engineering may be more difficult for you if you don't live within close proximity to a university. Unless you want to spend several hours commuting to and from class each week, another option would be to explore the numerous online engineering master degree programs available. Not only will this save you money on gas, but it can also give you much more free time that you would lose commuting to school. In addition, there a number of reputable, accredited graduate programs that offer a variety of engineering science degrees online like civil engineering, environmental engineering and mechanical engineering all as online programs. You can learn more about these online graduate degrees by visiting an online degree information site to find an online school for you.

The Rigor Of An Online Electrical Engineering Degree

With current advances in web-based technology, more schools of engineering are engaging students in study through the Internet. This includes offering subjects online that were once thought to be too difficult for that format. These online programs maintain the same level of rigor that can be found in a face-to-face format and are often taught by the same instructors. A good example is an online electrical engineering degree which will include a number of courses like electro-magnetics, electronics, and semi-conductor devices. There may be a requirement for certain prerequisite courses before you can take higher level ones in the program so get more details from your college or university.

With Technology You Can Earn A Degree In Civil Engineering

The online master's degree in civil engineering may help you get a promotion or find new employment by expanding the knowledge you gained in your undergraduate civil engineering degree. Thanks to technology, you can enroll in an online engineering school so that you can still take advantage of free time to spend with your family or friends. With an online graduate degree in civil engineering, you could take courses like structural dynamics, elasticity, and construction engineering. The online option allows you to plan you homework requirements around other activities like vacations or other home activities.

Earn A Doctorate in Business Administration

If you enjoy studying different aspects of business including management, marketing, finance and economics, you can further that interest by completing an online Ph.D. program in business administration. With the online option, a student can gaining more in-depth knowledge and experience in business without having to deal with a commute to a regular class meeting each week. With the flexibility to complete your work when you have time, you can continue to remain employed or have a personal life while working on your education degree. If you are currently working in industry and hope to get a full-time teaching position at a university then this degree could help you achieve that dream.

Get A University Faculty Position

Universities typically want faculty to have a doctorate degree prior to being hired as a full-time faculty member. If this is the career that you hope to achieve, then know in advance what the qualifications are for faculty in your field. Typically, in addition to having a doctorate degree, there is an expectation that you have established a research agenda and some articles already published. Another preference is that you have experience in teaching college students. If you complete an online doctorate degree, you can still accomplish all of these things. Talk to your professors about opportunities to get published. Some will work with you to develop a paper into something publishable. In addition, you can gain teaching experience even if your university is located far away from where you live. Try applying at college and universities near your home for part-time teaching positions. If you already work a full-time job, you may be able to teach a night class and work on your doctorate but it does mean you have to be good at juggling priorities.

Ph.D. Requirements

The Ph.D. is the ultimate degree for many aspiring students. However, it can be a daunting experience and with all the requirements needed for students to graduate from a doctoral program, attaining the Ph.D. seems near impossible. But with an online Ph.D. degree program, you can complete many of the requirements from the comfort of your home. Typical requirements to graduate with a doctorate degree include completion of a series of courses; passing a comprehensive exam; and, writing a satisfactory dissertation. The Ph.D. is considered a research degree so you can expect to complete courses in research methodology and show your competency in research as part of the process. After graduation you can find a job teaching at a university or community college. Other job prospects include finding a position in K-12 education or in industry.

The Ed.D. Advantage

Earning your doctorate in education can give you a leg up when seeking a promotion or new position in an educational setting. Considering that this degree is considered more for practitioners, it typically does not qualify an individual to teach at the university level. However, you can still find employment in higher education, K-12 education or industry with this degree. There are a number of online Ed.D. degrees available including Educational Leadership, Curriculum, and Counseling. Consider your ultimate career goal when choosing an online Ed.D. degree program and find more information on options through an online degree information site.

The Online Ph.D.

With the ever changing online world of education, it is now possible to earn an online doctorate degree from a number of accredited institutions. In fact, some online schools offer a variety of doctoral degree disciplines from business to education. Doctoral online programs are a good alternative for students with the self-discipline and motivation to complete the required courses, exams and dissertation. When deciding on an online doctoral program to pursue, carefully review all of the admission policies and degree requirements before you apply. Some online programs still require students to complete a residency before they can graduate. This may be short-term such as a few weekends a year to much longer with expectations of a full summer residency.

Complete Online Professional Education Requirements For Teaching

Many states require teachers to complete professional development training in order to maintain their teaching certification or license. Often this can be completed by taking approved continuing education courses that are offered online. You need to know what the requirements are in your state, but online continuing education courses could make this process more convenient for you. It may be that you need a refresher class or possibly an opportunity to learn new skills. After discovering what is required in your area, find an approved provider and see what they offer online.

Enhance Your Personal Skills In Finance And Investment

You can take an online class in personal finance and investments to build your own portfolio and net worth. By enhancing your own knowledge or learning a new skill, you can take your investments to the next level by learning how, when and where to invest your money. A finance degree will help you learn more about certificates of deposit, mutual funds, stocks, bonds, and other investment options. Through the online continuing education course you should also learn about opportunities that should be avoided.

Learn Real Estate Online

Becoming a realtor often requires you to complete training and become licensed in your state. The training requirements vary by state but you could be able to complete your real estate training online. You could learn all of the basics about the field through an online continuing education course that could lead to a very rewarding career. Expect to learn the ethics of being a realtor as well as the fundamentals to list and sell a residential property. More advanced real estate offerings may also be available as online continuing education courses in areas like commercial property, real estate financing, and brokerage.

Online Professional Development For Nurses And Healthcare Professionals

A number of healthcare professions, including nursing, require practitioners to take additional classes to stay current in their field. Quite often, you can find nursing schools online that allow you to take courses at your convenience and from your home. Other times, you can find nursing programs through your local community college or university to refresh current skills or demonstrate new trends. These courses often deal with subjects like trends in the healthcare industry; review or updates of patient care treatments; and, review of surgical procedures.

Update Business Skills

Your business skills may need a little updating and this is something you can acquire through an online continuing education course. Many community colleges and universities offer adult education courses in business skills so this is a good place to start looking for what you need. While the offerings will vary, you may find online continuing education courses like time management, conflict resolution, team building, and computer skills.

Earn Your Degree In Computers Online

An interest in computers can lead to a career in the ever-changing, innovative computer field after you complete your online degree in information technology. There are a number of specializations in the field that you can study depending on your interests including web page development, computer security, networking, programming, and management information systems. When you take an online course in computers, you need to be prepared to complete the assignments on your own. This may be difficult depending on the material you are studying so check with your college or university to see what type of support they offer to online students.

Finding The Right Online Computer Degree Program

A number of colleges and universities are already offering online degrees in computer science. If you're interested in furthering your computer sciences career or need additional coursework in computer programming, check online to see what schools offer the computer science program that best suits your needs. You can start by checking with your local university to see if they offer the program you want to pursue. For other options, you can get information on colleges, courses, and sometimes the syllabus through online degree sites.

Online Training For IT Certifications

A career in IT may require you to obtain certain vendor certifications for you to find employment. This may also mean regular retraining and retesting for updated certifications in this field that change so quickly. For many of the training options you need, you might try looking first at your local community college to see what they offer online. Often you will find online coursework that helps you prepare for certifications through Microsoft, Oracle, and Cisco as well as a number of other vendor neutral options.

Update Your Computer Skills With Additional Training

You can easily update your existing degree in computers or another field by taking additional online computer science coursework. This is especially a good option for someone who has the discipline to do the homework on their own and wants the added benefit of convenience (time and location). Studying computer engineering online could be beneficial because the computer world is constantly changing and new courses will keep you updated. The courses that you can take online depend on the college you attend, but you may find courses like Java Programming, Database Management, and Ethical Hacking.

Advance Your IT Skills

If you already have an information technology or a computer-related degree, you can take additional coursework toward an online IT certificate. Some employers require their IT staff to take additional courses to stay current in the ever changing field. If this is the case for you, identify online IT certificate programs that may benefit you. You can find these available for IT specializations like network security, networks, computer programming or web design. Many of these programs may also provide you with the knowledge to then complete the appropriate exam for vendor certification.

Complete A Certificate Program Online

Anyone who already has a degree but is interested in updating their skills or getting training in a new field may be looking for an online certificate program. A number of universities offer online certificate programs, but you can also look at what is offered through your local community college. Many offer the courses for these certificate programs online so you can update your skills or complete your training at your convenience. You may find a variety of certificates available which may include programs like those that lead to computer certifications, nursing professional development, or paralegal studies.

Complete A Graduate Certificate

If you want to expand your business knowledge but don't want to complete all of the requirements for a master degree, an online graduate certificate could be the answer. This will allow you to take graduate level classes in your field, such as project management courses, without going through the additional hurdles that are often required for a master's degree like a thesis, exam or other project. Online graduate certificates are available in a number of fields including management information systems, health services, project management, international business, and education. You can find details about online graduate certificate programs at an online degree information site.

Enhance An Existing Degree With An Online Certificate

Typically, when a student completes a bachelor's degree in business they tend to specialize by taking electives in a specific area. You can study other specializations by completing an online certificate. A number of well known schools offer online certificates in business specialties like accounting, finance, negotiations, human resources, and safety. By completing an additional certificate in a business field, you can enhance your bachelor's degree in business and make yourself more marketable to employers.

Complete An MBA With A Concentration In Marketing

Experience or workplace skills in sales and promotion can be further enhanced when you pursue an online MBA with a concentration in marketing. Completing this online graduate degree can help you get a leg up when applying for a new position or may even make your more qualified for a promotion with your current employer. Depending on the program options at your school, you may find the business classes online for your concentration may include topics like team management, market research, customer service, or consumer behavior. Some online marketing degree programs may also include electives for web-based marketing or e-commerce.

Earning Your Online MBA

There are a number of online MBA programs available that could help you advance your career. These business degree programs require you to have a lot of self discipline so that you can successfully complete all of the required homework and exams on your own. The advantage of completing this degree is that you gain more in depth knowledge and experience in the field by completing coursework in areas like finance, economics, marketing, and management.

Online MBA Specializations

When choosing an online MBA program, explore the options a particular school has available for this specialization. While all MBA students will be required to complete at least one management course each in topics like organizational management, accounting, marketing, and finance, you should be offered the opportunity to complete a series of elective courses leading to a specialization. Depending on the school you attend, you may find that you can gain more detailed knowledge in skills in specialties like entrepreneurship, management information systems, human resource management, or marketing. By taking the time to review multiple online MBA programs through an online degree site, you can find the one that will best meet your needs.

The Online Accounting Degree

Students who enjoy working with numbers and are looking to get a job in a high-demand field should look into an online accounting degree. By exploring your options through an online degree site, you can find bachelor's and master's degree programs available in an online format. Accountants typically complete coursework in financial accounting, managerial accounting, cost accounting, tax accounting, auditing, and a number of other accounting specific courses. If your goal is to become a certified public accountant (CPA), completing these courses could help you qualify for the exam. The CPA exam is taken online through authorized testing centers and is offered each quarter. There are certain courses and a specific number of credit hours you need to be able to sit for the exam so understand all requirements.

Earn A Credible Online Bachelor Degree

Did you know that Ivy League schools are joining the ranks of other reputable colleges and universities that offer online bachelor degrees? Find more information on the schools and their online degree options through the school website. Identify if the online school is accredited and how long they have been educating students. In some cases, you may already be familiar with the school so find out more about their online bachelor degree program like the amount of coursework necessary to complete the program, online class projects and time commitments. The increase in online programs is a direct result of interest by students, but not all online bachelor degree programs are accredited or reputable. To find a credible online bachelor degree program you can do some research through online degree information sites and follow-up by going directly to the school website. If you still have doubts visit the Department of Education website to see what information they have on the school.

Moms Go Back To School

A number of single moms choose to go back to school in order to advance their career. However, motherhood is a full-time job and comes with its own time constraints. Completing an online bachelors degree smay be a more flexible option for you. You can complete your homework when it works for you and if your child gets sick, you don't have to worry about missing a class. You also don't have to worry about paying for a babysitter so you can attend classes. However, it is important that you schedule time to get the required work done. If you blow off the homework for your online class, it won't help you complete that degree you want.

Student Support Services For An Online Degree

When selecting an online school to complete your bachelor's degree, don't just look at the degree programs that they offer. Unfortunately, too many students ignore a very important part of their educational experience and that is the online support services that are available through the school. Unless you want to drive to the school to complete a research paper or get help with tutoring, you should make sure the school offers online support for students. When looking at online schools a few things that should be available are an online orientation, virtual library, tutoring services, and technical support.

The Online Criminal Justice Bachelor Degree

You can study the criminal justice system through an online bachelor degree program. With an online criminal justice degree you can choose from a variety of specializations including corrections, legal administration, forensics, and community policing. You can take a number of general criminal justice courses to help you identify the field you are interested in pursuing. As you study criminal justice you can take courses such as ethics, the criminal justice system, cybercrime, and forensics.

Earn An Online Associate Degree In Nursing

Completing a professional associate degree program like nursing requires a number of on-site visits, demonstrations and clinicals but it also includes a number of courses that can be completed online. The schools that offer lpn nursing online to associate degree in nursing may have a number of requirements for admission including already completing some basic nursing on-site nursing classes or already having a bachelor degree. Each state determines the regulations requirements for nurses to allow you to take the licensing exams, so find out in advance if the school you will attend meets the requirements for your state.

Start Your Education With An Online Associate Degree

Like most students, you may start pursuing a college degree not knowing what field you want to study. To help you choose the path you want to take, start by completing your general studies towards an online associate degree. This can give you a sampling of a number of courses helping you to choose your ultimate career choice. You can earn an online associate degree through a junior college, community college and in some cases universities. There are a number of associate career choices but if you plan to transfer to a four-year university, you best bet is to pursue an associate of arts, associate of science or associate of fine arts.

The Online Career Degree

Many students want to complete a two-year degree and immediately find employment. For these students, the online associate of applied science is a good option. After gaining the basic skills and knowledge, a student can turn an AA degree online into immediate employment in a variety of fields including healthcare, computers, business, and law enforcement. A number of two-year colleges offer these degrees in an online format. Information on them can be found through your local community college or by visiting an online degree information site.

What Can You Do With An Associate's Degree In Criminal Justice?

Many law enforcement related positions require a minimum of an associate's degree for employment. For a convenient way to complete your needed education, several community colleges and universities offer an online degree for students interested in the associate's in criminal justice. You could learn more about the criminal court system, corrections, probation, and other legal issues. Graduates of the program can often find employment with local law enforcement agencies, correctional facilities, government, or other private security firms.


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