Friday, March 04, 2011

Earn A Credible Online Bachelor Degree

Did you know that Ivy League schools are joining the ranks of other reputable colleges and universities that offer online bachelor degrees? Find more information on the schools and their online degree options through the school website. Identify if the online school is accredited and how long they have been educating students. In some cases, you may already be familiar with the school so find out more about their online bachelor degree program like the amount of coursework necessary to complete the program, online class projects and time commitments. The increase in online programs is a direct result of interest by students, but not all online bachelor degree programs are accredited or reputable. To find a credible online bachelor degree program you can do some research through online degree information sites and follow-up by going directly to the school website. If you still have doubts visit the Department of Education website to see what information they have on the school.

Moms Go Back To School

A number of single moms choose to go back to school in order to advance their career. However, motherhood is a full-time job and comes with its own time constraints. Completing an online bachelors degree smay be a more flexible option for you. You can complete your homework when it works for you and if your child gets sick, you don't have to worry about missing a class. You also don't have to worry about paying for a babysitter so you can attend classes. However, it is important that you schedule time to get the required work done. If you blow off the homework for your online class, it won't help you complete that degree you want.

Student Support Services For An Online Degree

When selecting an online school to complete your bachelor's degree, don't just look at the degree programs that they offer. Unfortunately, too many students ignore a very important part of their educational experience and that is the online support services that are available through the school. Unless you want to drive to the school to complete a research paper or get help with tutoring, you should make sure the school offers online support for students. When looking at online schools a few things that should be available are an online orientation, virtual library, tutoring services, and technical support.

The Online Criminal Justice Bachelor Degree

You can study the criminal justice system through an online bachelor degree program. With an online criminal justice degree you can choose from a variety of specializations including corrections, legal administration, forensics, and community policing. You can take a number of general criminal justice courses to help you identify the field you are interested in pursuing. As you study criminal justice you can take courses such as ethics, the criminal justice system, cybercrime, and forensics.



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