Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Study in the USA - International Student USA Study Guide

Study in the USA - International Student USA Study Guide
* The cost of Study Tuition and fees) in USA varies from $5000 to $38000 (or more) per year.
* The cost of living depends on location. For example States like Washington, California and area around New York is costly.
* In general the cost of living may vary from $4500 to $10000.
* Renting an apartment can vary from $350 to$1000 (or more). Downtown (Chicago) may costs around $1200 for studio while it may be around $400 for Des Moines (IA).
* Grocery is Really cheap (Walmart!).
* It is assumed that students will live in shared Apartments, Live out of Campus and have less Telephone bills and other expenses are at bay.
* Most of (nearly) all expenses Living only not Tuition fees) can be met while working on Campus Jobs. The hourly pay for on Campus jobs Pay from $5 to $15 (sometimes more) per hour.
* Foreign Students can work for 20 hrs per week and 40 hrs per week during summer. Students may be allowed to work out Campus after nine months of their arrival at USA.
* Students receiving any type of AID Like TA/RA/Fellowship or GA don't have to worry about costs. But Students not receiving any AID must come prepared for Tuition fees and Living cost for initial 2-3 months.
* In some Universities TA/RA cover part of tuition fees and not all tuition fee is waived.
* Note that in some universities like University of Missouri, Rolla, Texas at Dallas and University of Texas Arlington there is huge shortage of P/T jobs. So students Planning to go to these universities must either have Scholarships or adequate Funds. Its better to contact current students via email for latest information.
* During 2004-05 aid scene has increased as compared to 2002.
* During year (2002 and 2003) Scholarships were limited in most of the Universities. In some cases students who got scholarships have to face rollback. Aid situation is much better these days as compared to 2002-03.
...The colleges and universities in U.S.A. have been luring millions of young people from all over the world. U.S. graduate programmes offer incentives for outstanding foreign students.

Top 10 universities in USA

1. Harvard University...Cambridge, MA ......Costs: 2010 Tuition and Fees: $36,173
2. Princeton University...Princeton, NJ......Costs: 2010 Tuition and Fees: $34,290
3. Yale University...New Haven, CT......Costs: 2010 Tuition and Fees: $35,300
4. Massachusetts Institute of Technology...Cambridge, MA......Costs: 2010 Tuition and Fees: $36,390
5. Stanford University...Stanford, CA......Costs: 2010 Tuition and Fees: $36,030
6. California Institute of Technology...Pasadena, CA......Costs: 2010 Tuition and Fees: $34,437
7. University of Pennsylvania...Philadelphia, PA......Costs: 2010 Tuition and Fees: $37,526
8. Columbia University...New York, NY......Costs: 2010 Tuition and Fees: $39,326
9. Duke University...Durham, NC......Costs: 2010 Tuition and Fees: $37,525
10. The University of Chicago...Chicago, IL......Costs: 2010 Tuition and Fees: $37,632

Cheapest colleges and universities in USA but with Good Rank for student from abroad. ( cheapest tuition fee and other charges )

University of Florida...Florida
University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill...North Carolina
Florida State University...Florida
San Diego State University...California
College of William and Mary...Virginia
University of Nevada...Nevada
University of Washington...Seattle
California State University-Long Beach...California
University of Virginia...Virginia
Appalachian State University...North Carolina

How to Apply to the University:

1. Check with the departments to see if there is a closing date for your application.
2. You should write directly to the Institution's Admission Office for detailed application information and forms.
3. You can also download application form from university website.
4. Some universities have an on-line application facility.
5. Admission Office will inform you about the documentation, translation, and visa requirements.
5. You should start at least one year in advance to complete the necessary information and documentation. But now a days it can be possible by 2 months if u work fast.....
6. The decision of the institution is usually announced within approximately six to eight months of the application deadline.
7. Step by step you've to send money for I-20 Letter (Offer Letter) and some other fees depends on university.

Graduate Requirements for International Students (International Applicants)
-General Admission Requirements
-Official Academic Credentials
-English Proficiency
-F-1 and J-1 Applicants (Financial Guarantee, ASU Health Insurance, Employment)
-Obtaining a U.S. Visa (Citizenship/visa status)
-ICE Information
-International Students and Scholars Office (ISSO)
-Spoken English for Teaching Assistants (TA)
-U.S. Immigration Information

-Alabama -Hawaii -Massachusetts -New Mexico -South Dakota
-Alaska - Idaho -Michigan -New York -Tennessee
-Arizona -Illinois -Minnesota -North Carolina -Texas
-Arkansas - Indiana -Mississippi -North Dakota Utah
-California -Iowa -Missouri -Ohio -Vermont
-Colorado -Kansas -Montana -Oklahoma -Virginia
-Connecticut -Kentucky -Nebraska -Oregon -Washington
-Delaware -Louisiana -Nevada -Pennsylvania -West Virginia
-Florida -Maine -New Hampshire -Rhode Island - Wisconsin
-Georgia -Maryland -New Jersey -South Carolina -Wyoming



University of USA | Degree of USA